Little Lottie Loves ... Little Elliot in the Big City

This blog was supposed to help me keep something of a log but life has gotten in the way lately. And by life, I mean work. Long and late hours meant I barely had enough energy to feed, bathe, and read to my kids, let alone write about it. I needed motivation. I needed a reason to keep going. Then this morning, when my daughter was begging to watch more videos of herself as a baby, I had an epiphany! Since this blog is about reading to our kids, our kids should have a special segment about the books they ask us to read over and over and over...and over again. And since they love to watch videos of themselves, what better segment than one where they're the star!

According to Little Lottie, this is a must buy!

Seriously though, I don't think there's a cuter elephant in kidlit right now. Like little kids, Elliot faces some challenges that come with being smaller than everyone else. But then he makes an unlikely friend who helps him in a way you wouldn't expect.


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