There's a book for that.

When our daughter said she wanted to go to the zoo, I went to the library and found a new book about the zoo. Because that's what I do. I might be a little obsessed. Fortunately, there's a book for everything!

It's about a little girl who is afraid of the zoo but can't remember why so her family tries to help her remember and overcome her fear. It's HOW they help her that is so fun! They use everything from blankets to plastic bags to cardboard boxes to sleeping bags to go through different animals alphabetically. Each page has a more creative creation than the last. What makes it even more entertaining is that you have to guess the animal for most of them. (I was surprised how many Charlotte was able to figure out!) The whole time I was reading it, I was thinking how awesome this little girl's parents are. And that I need to brush up on my crafty skills. (There are books for that, right?)

We've now read this more than 5 times in the past 3 days and I'm still finding new details in the illustrations that I didn't notice before. Which is a good thing, because I know we're not done reading it for a while. Especially after our trip to the zoo today.

When I asked Charlotte what animal she wanted to see, she immediately said "Giraffe!" (Spoiler alert: That's letter 'G' in the book!)

Then we got home and she wanted to read it again.

I love it when I pick a winner. ^_^


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