In the Beginning

Like most children, my 2 year old hates sleep. She was born with her eyes wide open, taking everything in. Many people, friends, family, and complete strangers, all commented on how alert she was for a newborn. While that sounds nice, my husband and I were exhausted. She fought every nap and bedtime. Some days, it was hours of rocking, singing, walking up and down the stairs, and once, when we were desperate, a quick drive around with her in my arms.

While it has gotten better, some days are still a battle. Before bed, she'll do what she can to stall and always wants "two more books". She wouldn't go down for a nap yesterday and I asked her why she wasn't sleeping. She told me "The sun is out. My eyes are open." And once we got downstairs, she said, "Read to me, mama." How can I say no to that?? I love that she loves to read! It could very well be that my very observant toddler senses this weakness and exploits it, but I don't really care. She doesn't ask to be read to just to prolong the inevitable but she wants to be read to while she eats, first thing in the morning, sometimes during diaper changes. I wants this love of books to grow so I will nurture it, I will spoil it rotten. And now that she has a little brother, I have two hungry minds to feed! So two more books it is. Lucky for them, I love reading even more than they do.


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